Thursday, 27 December 2012

Sexuality (A reply to a post)

'I do not support Gay marriage, because homosexuality is dragging our current society into a hell of a mess of total gender confusion. Most people might think 'Oh well, it's their life, why do you even care? As long they are happy is enough.' But, most people also do not know it's causing so many family breakdown, relationship issues, fame etc. Let's put this into a simple scenario, imagining your son, OWN son kissing another man and getting married with him. It's really disturbing isn't it? I believe there's a reason why Man are made to be with Woman. Not Man to be with...Man. Yuck.

Sorry you are offended. (I don't care if you are)'

Random post I plucked out from FB.

The post today is geared to curing ignorance of the one who posted the status and hopefully stupidity that lies within certain readers.

Firstly, what in bollocks name is 'mess of gender confusion'? If you are aware (in which of course you're not) gender is NOT the same as sexuality. Gender is the physical trait you are born with, sexuality is the gender which you are (or may not be) attracted to IN CONJUNCTION with your gender. If you meant 'gender confusion' though, that is sex-change then you're discussing at the wrong point of the circle; those who undergo sex change MAY NOT be homosexuals and as sure as hell, not all homosexuals want to undergo sex change! It would make you look smarter if you had typed 'sexual confusion', but that does not strengthen your case any better. Even if you want to discuss sexual confusion, ancient Roman, Greek, and Chinese civilizations (to name a few) recognize the diversity of sexuality at that time but what not so public about it for fear of heresy and death. Such practices have been recorded in ancient scriptures, pottery, books and scrolls. Do read up to open up your mind. Furthermore, I would rather have everyone especially young ones to know and understand there are more possibilities than a man and woman union, and that it is totally okay to follow their heart to love someone they really want to love.
Secondly, gay marriage does NOT cause family breakdowns i.e. 'taint sanctity of marriage' as you think. It's more likely people like YOU who contributed it. Let's look at the United States, for example. Half of the 'straight' couples marrying end up divorcing, half of the straight couples living together aren't even married, it is more likely for straight couples to use their kids as 'pawns' in bitter divorces. On a more humorous note against marriage, no one likes their in-laws and kids are a pain in the ass! Ergo, the only reason anyone would marry nowadays is to legally copulate and procreate (as many heterosexuals don't care much for marriage). Now ask yourself, what kind of couples (straight or otherwise) adopt children who were (mostly) deliberately abandoned by straight couples? Sanctity of Marriage MY ASS.

Thirdly, it's because of people like YOU that many LGBT are forced into straight marriages where society compels them into conformity. The norm is that you go to school, grow up, go to a good university, find a partner of the opposite gender, marry, have kids, and your kids will follow the same cycle again. 'Tis unfortunate the society generally is tailored only in this direction, where hermits, outcasts, individuals who want polygamous relationships, individuals who want friends with benefits only, and especially LGBT have no place in the said tailoring. Therefore, many LGBT forgo their 'sinful' sexuality and try to be 'normal', only later in life get caught in the act by indulging their 'true' desire; who looks like the monster now, forcing individuals who are just like you and I who merely have a different sexual preference into a hellhole, suppressing that desire and pretending everything is like butterflies and rainbows, only to realize that the limits of a human being is only that far?

Fourthly, its the fucking 21st century. LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) have fought time and time again for a basic right to be able to be unified with their significant other under the eyes of the law. A marriage certificate may not cure this stigma but it's a good start.

Fifthly, no one in their right mind would think like you. Thanks to people like YOU who would reject your LGBT child, they are prone to suicide cases. It's people like YOU who would disown them simply because their sexuality is not common. It is because of people like YOU who leave it to the government and/or church to 'cure' them from this 'sin' through intense programs to somewhat reconfigure their mindset to be 'straight', where in fact it is a traumatizing experience, and many only 'pretend' to be straight to please their parents. I say this with conviction that you are equivalent to trash if you were to not accept your LGBT child simply because he/she is not heterosexual, because they are born that way, and forcing them to change will only ruin them and you can say bye bye to your parent-child relationship.

Sixthly, there is no absolute rule that a man should be with a woman. Use the bible (i.e. Sodom and Gomorrah) and I will smack your face with a red tilapia. If you take the literal reading of the bible, and say being gay is wrong, then you ought to stop eating shellfish and pork, don't EVER get a tattoo, accept the fact woman are second-classed FOREVER as they have to pay for the sins of Eve, allow your daughter to be married to the guy who raped her and strap a cilice to show your 'so-called' devotion to God. But of course, people now only interpret the Bible as to how they see fit, a subjective view but still honour the literal meaning of burning gays at a stake. By all means be a hypocrite and a walking contradict. I won't stop you, but the Reason will snicker whenever you advocate against LGBT rights under the guise of religion.

Ergo, it is submitted there is NOTHING wrong with being LGBT, you are subject to 'birth lottery' and you are born like that, along side with the colour of your skin, race and nationality. Why be the subject of hate when this is who you really are? The next time you post something, have better substance to substantiate your arguments, yeah?

"Heterosexuality is not 'normal', it is merely 'common'." - Dorothy Parker

Sorry you are stupid. (I don't care if you are)

Monday, 17 December 2012


Reading the local newspaper got my blood boiling like hot soup. A certain undergraduate from the University of Sheffield wrote about patriotism (in Malaysia), and what it means to him, as well as how others should interpret it.


It's totally cool if you want to express how you feel about your country and if you wanna hang the country's flag at your house throughout the year it's totally up to you. HOWEVER, if you even come within a ten foot pole boundary into the realm of imposing your ideas and self righteousness to me, then, prepare to eat your words served with humble quiche (a more fabulous cousin of humble pie).

'Patriotism', if anything, looks like a subordinate branch under the larger heading of 'loyalty'. It would also equate to flowing emotions of love and respect for a country. Introductions aside, I forward a simple question - Should I love my country even after making me a 'second class citizen'? Yes, I understand the government orchestrates most of the drama happening in the country, and does not seem to rightfully represent a country (the rakyat should be the ones to, this is also another load of political correct horse crap), one must also appreciate the fact that the government is capable of using patriotism as a tool to fetch votes and spreading the 'love for your country' as 'good', otherwise you are someone who doesn't 'appreciate' your country. Wow, what a shallow argument. Here is mine: 

You have to realize the relationship between a country (and the forsaken government residing) with her is not a familial relationship, nor is it a contractual one. If anything, we, the rakyat act somewhat as check and balances (who dont get paid for doing so) who provide feedback to (mostly nonsensical) government policies. Therefore, while a government regulates the country, the absence or the unwillingness of the rakyat to cooperate can lead to a collapse in the government as they would have nothing to rule upon. In this set of facts, a government needs its people and vice versa, which means it is theoretically possible for citizens who express their discontent and topple a government via extortion or other means; the government and rakyat have a somewhat mutual symbiotic relationship akin to a lichen and fungi, one can't possibly live without the other.

Some common reasons to 'love' your country which I will refute:
1) Because I was born here - Understand there is a coined term called 'birth lottery' ( is just a click away if you don't undeerstand this term) where you're birth date, race and nationality inter alia are by chance, determined at birth and cannot be changed for all intent and purpose, later in life. Your country gives you your nationality as a legal obligation, not one where they are willing to do.

2) Because we have ethnic diversity here (Malays, Chinese and Indians living in harmony :D) - I'll smack ya face with a red tilapia before I move on if you 're an adult, because I make a very DARING assumption you know what is going around the world. Ethnic diversity is the hallmark of MANY nations, viz. USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Netherlands, to name a few. Malaysia is not the ONLY country on this planet which practices ethnic diversity  Furthermore, there have been many arguments OPPOSING such diversity as many homogeneous societies exude higher levels of social altruism and many such societies have had high gross domestic products and higher average wealth of citizens.

3) Because we don't have natural disasters - We have had a spike in the number of flash floods resulting of a combination of poor drainage and currents from the South Indian Ocean as well as South China Sea. The country is as prone to floods as other countries are.

4) Because we get benefits! - Say... what..? Oh you mean from corruption, swindling monies from poorly contracted jobs, which funds for these useless coupons for short term gain? If you really care for your country, coupons are an idiotic approach to manage one's finances, if you really care for your rakyat, invest in education and medicine where the less fortunate cannot afford it.

Quoted from 'Adaptive Automaton' from Magic: The Gathering - 'Such loyalty can only be made'. To force someone to be loyal is to be artificial, as loyalty can only spawn from a willing heart, especially towards an exemplary figure/concept where one wishes to be loyal to.

Also, as a Malaysian Chinese, I feel second-classes, when those born out of 'birth lottery', by virtue of the NPE are able to enjoy many privileges I am unable because of my skin colour. Seriously, I can think of no other country which practices favouritism if you are born a particular skin colour which is a rather draconian and archaic policy to maintain. By allowing such preference, you are telling other races to take a hike, that even if other races worked harder, contributed more to the gross income of the nation, they cannot be entitled to such a benefit, as compared to the preferred races who theoretically can laze around, do nothing, and yet get a slice of the cake. All these unnecessary monies poured into this subsidy hampers the economy form better and fairer investment opportunities.

The recent National Day celebration have urged many to be 'patriotic', while some may be able to fabricate that feeling, I'm afraid I cannot do the same. While I was a kid I used to think that loving your country and spirit of patriotism is something each citizen SHOULD have. As an adult of 21 years, I find that you ought to love your country only if you feel you want to; you can't force love. If anything, you can still contribute to the economy directly or indirectly without such feeling called 'patriotism' to bind you.

To the author of the said article, I don't know if you honestly feel 'patriotism' for such a messed up nation or you were brainwashed by our excessive government programs. Given the facts for you to ponder, when a citizen can be second-classed even though he/she was born in the country (akin to the status of a foreigener), do you really love this country as you think you would?