Wednesday, 21 July 2010


Haven't posted in a while. The inspiration for this post was from the XxX article in the local Star Newspaper, and really got me thinking.

Attraction - E.M.O.T.I.O.N. (Part I)

Attraction is funny in a way that it can cause us to like someone a LOT without even without knowing anything about the person at all. And this is what I think is a kin to if not synonymous to infatuation. Mutual infatuation would be the basis of a stable/proper relationship between two people. And as easily one can fall for a person, and sometimes it is just as easy to forget them.

Perhaps all this while I've always been infatuated by another person, who may not feel the same. Hence maybe I should take the advice of simply forgetting this person, if signs of evasion/avoidance/disinterest start to arise. Heck, shall I not love again?

"Infatuation" - Infatuation by Maroon 5

Attraction - Laws of Attraction (Part II)

The critically acclaimed book by Rhonda Byrne, The Secret drew many forms of criticism, good and bad.

I'm sorry, to people whom I lied to, and claimed that I have read The Secret, where I haven't, only because I wanted to "fit in" and have a common topic to talk about. I do know the summary, regarding the Law of Attraction.

To me, the idea of sunshine 24/7 is rather idealistic. You can pray all you want, hope all you want, and work your ass of so much, yet, sometimes you do not achieve what you aimed for. Though persistence is the key to success, one thing that has GOT to go hand-in-hand, which is TALENT is guess.

Perseverance without talent, is like knocking your head against the wall in hopes of producing a hole in the wall, but instead, you end up with a whiplash injury without even reducing the mass of the wall by barely 0.1% yet. A silly example used by was also ridiculous, "chase your dreams, i.e. singing, even if you sing like a   frog". This would refer to my head banging example. Therefore, please for the sake of good grace of God, persevere in something you have TALENT in.


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