Yesterday mornin' went to Ali Store to buy uniform for Form 6 *ughhs, and dreads*
And in the Fitting Room I met Ng Wye Kit who just so happened to be shopping for uniforms there as well!
Later in the evening, Daniel texted and asked whether wanna yum cha or not..
Me: What time?
Dan: 10pm, cool?
Me: WTF?
Not like I had a problem with goin' out late, just that it was kinda sudden @.@
And much later he called saying it's canceled because June Meng can't make it, so we made it tomorrow which is today la.. Hopefully no more changes..
Haven't seen them for a month ever since they went for NS, and I'm sure the place was fun..
Lots of complaints from trainees, I'm sure NS was very beneficial..
Hmmm, guess I'll have to ask them to confirm that XD
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