Wednesday, 13 May 2009

13 May 2009

12 May

Went to Nan Yang Saing Pau Scholarship interview in KDU College, Petaling Jaya. (Which means I could skip Form 6 orientation, which was an effing bore, said my friends)
Whew, I almost got lost there, when taking LRT there.. XD
Guess it went well, I gave all plausible reasons on why I deserve, of course it's a tough battle, to convince them to pick me, out of almost a hundred people who applied?
Really hope I could get my hands on this scholarship! =P *Keep fingers crossed!*

I was texted by my friend that we had to bring our PJ clothes for the next day (for sukaneka), and I thought, "Hey, I could use a sweat!"

13 May

Third Day of Form 6 Orientation (Second for me~ Teehee) today. (Upper Six joined us)
We had sukaneka with no sukan, football, basketball, pundi kacang, etc.. Amazing how it could be pulled off? Easy. This sukaneka included ice-breaking, and team mini games. If your unlike me who don't sweat easily, doing these games don't help with "exercise", since we sweat in the hall due to poor air-conditioning in the bloody hot dewan, and not from vigorous movements!

But, that aside, it was quite fun, and after recess it was just us Lower Six students having to listen to another bloody boring ceramah.
Oh, and did I mention all lof us sang Warisan and did the Chicken Dance? (and this is somehow suppose to help us with adapting to Form 6? Okay, whatever you say~)
Entertaining though, nonetheless.

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