Thursday, 8 October 2009


Today, we did our Biology Practical involving enzymes, overall, quite fun =D

~Jane, my partner for the Biology practical~

~View 1 of results~

~View 2 of results (can see Angie behind!) lol~

Philosophy -
~I need a purpose, whether it comes on purpose or otherwise~

An insert from Gives You Hell (The All American Rejects) lyrics:

When you see my face hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell.
When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell.
If you find a man that's worth a damn that treat you well.
Then he's a fool, you're just as well, hope it gives you hell.
Truth be told I miss you.
Truth be told I'm lying.

I've said harsh things to you. Some I mean, Some I don't. If really, you thought I was a close friend, then why did you let your lips touch mine? Would you let a close friend do that too? You mean more to me than that. You of all people should know. After what happened, you might never want to talk to me again.

Perhaps you needed me to understand you but I failed to do that. I lacked understanding what feeling what you would feel would be like. I'm sorry if I couldn't understand you, I wish you well, in finding that Mr. Right who might do it better than me.

Perhaps all the while I believed we could be, you gave me my purpose whether on purpose or otherwise. Without you, I've side-tracked on my purpose and walk this road with less "umph". For the time being, I'll latch on to something else which serves that purpose. Perhaps if destiny's play allow, you and I will find that purpose.

I hope you read this and hear what i mean to say.
You know who you are.

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